Cornea Treatment

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Best Eye Hospital for Cornea Transplantation


The Cornea is a part of the eye that serves a vital function in protecting the eyes from damage, injuries, germs, and infections. It acts as a barrier, shields the eyes, and is responsible for sighting objects with clear vision.

The Corneal shape determines the clarity of the vision. The changes in the Corneal shape lead to difficulty seeing the objects. When the light falls on the eyes, bends, and gets distracted, the result of the eye condition is "refractive errors." The Cornea is responsible for sighting objects that are placed near and far.

Structure of the Cornea

The Cornea is made up of five layers.

  • Epithelium: It is the outermost layer of the Cornea, which serves the function of preventing the eyes from the invasion and presence of foreign substances. Primarily, it has the main function of absorbing oxygen from tears.
  • Bowman’s layer: It is the second outermost layer of the Cornea. The layer is made of collagen. Compared to the epithelium, the Bowman's layer is thinner. This layer acts as a connecting bridge between the epithelium and the stroma.
  • Stroma: This layer determines the dome shape of the Cornea. The changes in the Corneal shape are significantly due to the changes undergone in the stroma. This layer is made up of water and protein. Among all the layers, the stroma is the thickest layer of the Cornea.
  • Descemet’s Membrane: It is the second innermost layer of the Cornea. Compared to stroma, Descemet’s membrane is a thin layer that separates stroma and endothelium.
  • Endothelium: The main function of this layer is to remove excess water that forms in the eyes, which the stroma can't absorb.

Comprehensive Eye Treatment for Cornea

Condition of Corneal Disorder and Infection

The progression or development of disease, infection, and injuries can be observed in the Cornea of the eyes. As the Cornea is responsible for enabling clear vision, Corneal infection leads to poor vision quality. Here are some of the most commonly contracted Corneal infections:

Dry Eyes

It is a condition where enough tears are not produced, leading to dry eyes. The illness is very common and can be experienced by all ages. The advancement of dry eyes makes people feel discomfort and eye strain when seeing objects. Climatic conditions and excessive digital screen usage promote this eye condition. To some people, it is natural to experience dry eyes, irrespective of following preventive tips.


The unhygienic method of using contact lenses is the result of contracting Keratitis Corneal infection. Failing to use contacts as per the guidelines accelerates Corneal inflammation. The prevalence of this condition can be due to infections caused by viruses, bacteria, and germs. When the Corneal disorder is left untreated, the progression of the ulcer can lead to blindness and vision loss. Redness, severe eye pain, tears, discharge of pus, and blurry vision are the most commonly experienced symptoms of a Corneal Ulcer.

At Trinty Super Speciality Eye Hospital, we have facilities, such as slit lamp equipment, to diagnose the Corneal eye condition. Medications are the preliminary Corneal Eye Treatment provided to stabilize the condition. Cornea Surgeries such as Cornea Transplants are recommended for patients when there is no progression observed.

Discontinuing the contacts or using the appropriate methods can reduce the chances of developing keratitis. Consulting an Eye Specialist helps with efficient diagnosis and Corneal Treatment.

Corneal Abrasions

Eye injuries are the main reason behind the progression of this eye condition. In most cases of mild complications, the Corneal layer rejuvenates and heals naturally without medical prescriptions. When the Cornea fails to heal, Eye Doctor Consultation aids in stabilizing the Corneal disorder.


It is a Corneal disorder where the Corneal layers are not in the required shape. The irregular dome shape distracts the light that falls on the Cornea, which worsens the vision. It is very common to suffer from Keratoconus Eye conditions in both eyes. Blurred and distorted vision, sensitivity to bright light, changes in eyeglass prescription, and the progression of poor-quality vision are the most commonly experienced symptoms of Keratoconus.

At Trinity, we practice globally recognized diagnostic procedures such as eye refraction, slit lamp examination, keratometry, and computerized Corneal mapping to precisely diagnose the eye condition. Our Corneal Eye Specialist suggest eyeglasses and contact lenses as Keratoconus Eye Treatment. Surgeries such as Corneal Transplant and Laser Treatment are recommended to stabilize the Keratoconus Eye Condition.

Advanced Diagnosis for Cornea Treatment and Surgery

Specular Microscopy

The equipment is used to examine and diagnose the health of the Corneal endothelium to prevent the early progression of Fuchs endothelial dystrophy. Specular microscopy is also helpful in the appropriate management of cataracts with damaged Corneas. Keeping track of the endothelial cell count pre- and post-penetrating keratoplasty is made possible with clinical specular microscopy. Specular microscopy is also important before collagen cross-linking and phakic intraocular lens implantation.

Photo Slit-Lamp

The Topcon slit lamp with a digital camera unit and computer attachment facilitates documentation of Corneal pathology. Tonopen: Intraocular pressure measurement in irregular, scarred, or edematous Corneas may be more accurately measured with this instrument. While applanation tonometry is still the gold standard for intraocular pressure measurement, tonopen provides a quick and reliable measurement in scarred, irregular Corneas and in post-penetrating keratoplasty, where there may be variable Corneal thickness and astigmatism.

Corneal Topography

Trinity Eye Hospital has Pentacam, which can evaluate the topography of the Cornea as well as measure the Corneal thickness. The Pentacam has placido and slit scanning technology, which can assist in detecting forme fruste keratoconus, post-lasik ectasia, and posterior keratoconus. The diagnostic equipment allows the surgeon to remove the selected suture with the precise insertion of keratoplasty into the Corneal layer.

Ultrasonic Biomicroscopy(UBM)

For very complicated Corneal conditions, UBM delivers significant functions to diagnose. This equipment is preferred to precisely diagnose the intraocular lenses when the prevalence of the eye condition requires no visibility of the anterior segment.

Anterior segment OCT

It is used to quantify the thickness of the Cornea to precisely locate the depth of Corneal opacity and to see the integrity of the descement’s membrane, which helps in lamellar keratoplasty.

Cornea Facilities

Our Eye Hospital is equipped with the most advanced technology and medical devices to provide ace-class Cornea Eye Treatment

  • Descemet’s Stripping EndoKeratoplasty (DSEK) and DMEK Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty
  • Lamellar Corneal surgeries: including Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (DALK)
  • Automated Lamellar Therapeutic Keratoplasty (ALTK)
  • C3R
  • Corneal tattooing
  • Limbal dermoid excision with a partial-thickness Corneal graft
  • Pterygium excision with autograft
  • Keratoprosthesis

Cornea Eye Treatment at Trinity

We have a dedicated team of Eye Specialists and Surgeons to diagnose and treat people with various Corneal eye disorders. At Trinity, we offer Eye Treatment for Keratoconus and other Corneal disorders.

Corneal Transplant

It is an eye treatment that allows the patient to rejuvenate their Corneal layers. In Corneal Transplant Surgery, our eye surgeons replace the affected Cornea with the donor's Cornea layer.

Artificial Cornea

This is a procedure recommended to patients when their Corneal layer does not fit in with the donor's Cornea. The artificial Cornea is replaced with the affected Corneal layer. It is done by precisely mapping the Corneal shape with the assistance of advanced technology.

Corneal Transplant and Treatment Offered in Our Branches

Our Eye Hospitals in Coimbatore, Palakkad, Thrissur, Tirur, and Calicut have the best team of Cornea Specialists to diagnose, treat, and perform Corneal Surgeries. Our eye care's state-of-the-art infrastructure enables us to provide the best treatment in places where we have established our presence.


Why am I having a blurry vision?

There are many reasons. In cases of mild intensity of the eye condition, irregular Corneal shape is responsible for blurry vision.

How do I get rid of a Corneal infection?

At Trinity, our Ophthalmologists suggest eye drops as a treatment choice to stabilize and recover from the infection.

Can the Cornea change my vision?

Yes, it can. It is the layer that makes the light rays fall on the retina. The changes in the Cornea can affect your vision.

Is the Keratoconus Eye condition congenital?

It is a congenital eye condition that has been observed since childhood. Sometimes, vigorous eye rubbing can lead to the development of Keratoconus Eye disease.

Is there Surgery available for Corneal Treatment?

Corneal Transplantation is the surgical choice available to treat the eye condition. At Trinity, our Eye Surgeons have performed many surgeries with mild to severe complications.

Why am I suffering from dry eyes?

When the required watery level in the cornea gets evaporated due to your eye condition, it can lead to a corneal infection.

What are the seasons that promote Corneal Infection?

The two seasons where you have a greater chance of developing corneal eye conditions are monsoon and winter.

Are there any symptoms that indicate I'm prone to Corneal Infections?

Eye pain, blurry vision, and redness are the most common symptoms that you experience when you fall ill due to corneal infections.

Is a corneal infection reversible?

Yes, it is. With timely treatment and regular medication, you can regain your corneal health.

Is personalized cornea available at Trinity?

Yes. Our Eye Hospital has partnered with globally renowned brands, which aid us in providing the best-suited and personalized cornea that perfectly fits your eye.

In which cities has Trinity extended its eye care services?

Coimbatore, Thrissur, Tirur, Calicut, and Palakkad are the geographical locations where Trinity has a strong presence to offer treatment.

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Corporate Office

Trinity Eye Care Pvt Ltd.
Calicut Bypass Rd, Manali Jn, Palakkad, Kerala - 678 001

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